… or it’s a small (Reformed) world after all!
I am growing increasely fascinated by the list of signatures gathered for the Presbyterians Together document. It’s getting rather bad. I’m checking the list a couple of times a day, and I really don’t know why. I guess it’s the Facebook of the post-college Reformed world (“Who signed on today?” “I don’t know, but did you know that HE signed?”).
There are probably a boat load of great games that can be created out of the list of names. Like, connecting people by six degrees of real contact (e.g., like really worshipped together for an extended period of time, married to so-and-so, who is so-and-so’s relative, etc… I’d be willing to venture that Rick can be connected somehow to most people on that list). I already noticed that there is a father/son-in-law pair on the list. I wonder how many of those or like things are on it. We really need to get the statistic guys from MLB to analyze the list.
Anyhow, enough of this jest. I hear it’s a really good document. I printed it out and its sitting on my desk waiting to be read, perhaps during the 7th grade Latin test tomorrow.