Author Archives: michael

Seminary For Conservative Anglicans

Gordon-Conwell sees a need; will train conservative episcopal priests. (HT: Stand Firm in Faith)

Edwards, the Papist?

Apparently when the puritanboard isn’t debating which level of hell Rich Lusk and Mark Horne will be in, they spend time wondering whether or not Jonathan Edwards was heretical.  I guess even Edwards didn’t fully understand justification.  Surely God will have mercy on him, though; Edwards didn’t have the help of internet-equipped laymen.

If you’re going to blow a National Championship…

… and you go to UNC, make it baseball.

1. You’re in Chapel Hill. What are you doing with a baseball anyhow?

2. You return to an empty campus and no classes. (See: Chris Simms and the case of the unexcused absences!)

Daily Readings from ESV

Incoporate daily readings from the ESV into your Google Calendar. The link takes you to an html version that you can always visit. You could also toggle the ‘month’ tab and select ‘subscribe with Google Calendar’ to add this calendar to your own personal.

If you click on an entry, it takes you to the entry on Google Calendar, from which you can select the link to take you to the online edition of the ESV.

6 Degrees of …

… or it’s a small (Reformed) world after all!

I am growing increasely fascinated by the list of signatures gathered for the Presbyterians Together document. It’s getting rather bad. I’m checking the list a couple of times a day, and I really don’t know why. I guess it’s the Facebook of the post-college Reformed world (“Who signed on today?” “I don’t know, but did you know that HE signed?”).

There are probably a boat load of great games that can be created out of the list of names. Like, connecting people by six degrees of real contact (e.g., like really worshipped together for an extended period of time, married to so-and-so, who is so-and-so’s relative, etc… I’d be willing to venture that Rick can be connected somehow to most people on that list). I already noticed that there is a father/son-in-law pair on the list. I wonder how many of those or like things are on it. We really need to get the statistic guys from MLB to analyze the list.

Anyhow, enough of this jest. I hear it’s a really good document. I printed it out and its sitting on my desk waiting to be read, perhaps during the 7th grade Latin test tomorrow.

Reqiescat in Pace

Jaroslav Pelikan, 17 December 1923 – 13 May 2006

Father Damien Day

Today is Father Damien Day in Hawaii. Father Damien was a Flemish Catholic missionary to the lepers on the island of Molokai. His official feast day is May 10, but in Hawaii he is remembered on April 15 along with JT, missionary to Engineers. Does that mean engineering is somehow related to leprosy? I digress…

I remember being awed when I first heard the story of Father Damien. I was in first grade sailing past the island of Molokai with my uncle (who is a dive boat captain on Maui). My uncle, who was raised Catholic but I don’t think still practices, knew the story remarkably well for someone who transplanted to Hawaii. I wish Christians today could be remembered for such service. Somehow our priorities have become so mixed up; at time I begin to wonder if such sacrificial living is only possible in the Catholic tradition. Lord have mercy upon us.

Books to Buy

It is that time of year again. The part in which a host of generous souls feel like giving me gifts for some reason. I haven’t done this in a while, so I’ve decided to splurge and buy myself some books, but I don’t know which to buy (or rather, how to select which ones I shouldn’t buy!)


Good Deeds for Final Justification?

I noticed in a comment on The Boneman’s blog that read:

Are your non-meritorious good works (an ‘obedient-faith’) required for your final justification?

What say ye, O readers?

Random Question

Does anyone know the root of algebra? I’ve been trying to research this using google, which gives sources, but I haven’t really found an answer.

What is it that drove the creation (or discovery) of Algebra? Yes, Algebra is about finding a solution for an unknown variable in an equation, but what does that mean? What sort of reality is it trying to describe? For example, Differential Calculus was created (so I’m told) to figure out the slope of any given point on a curve. Integral Calculus was created to figure out the area under a curve.

Then again, what really is a curve? Is there any reality that the Cartesian coordinate system is supposed to represent?

I think this may require a pipe-and-pint night, and some really good book on the philosophy of mathematics.

Olny Sarmt Popele Can

I actually learned this in a linguistics class, but:

Cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg. The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid, aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn’t mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoatnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit a porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Amzanig huh? Yaeh and I awlyas tghuhot slpeling was ipmorantt!

If you can raed tihs psas it on!

I wonder if this works with other languages, though. I know I can’t do this with latin, but is that because it isn’t my native language (and I’m not fluent yet) or because morphology is so important?

Four Things

Four Jobs I Have Had:
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