Category Archives: technology

Indulge Us

I’ve seen these nifty new interactive maps in a few other places recently, and Mike just came across one as well and suggested we add one here. As a visual person, it seemed like a neat idea.

Go there, stick in your name, zipcode, a short message and an optional photo from your hard drive. It takes less than a minute and we’d love to “see” all of our readers. Yes, that includes you lurkers (real-life friends and otherwise!)

It’s the little things…

I love Konfabulator and its widgets. I don’t actually have that many on my desktop, but the ones I do I use all the time, such as the weather (5 day forecast and current temp) and to do list. But my favorite widget is the grandfather clock, which gives me a warm, fuzzy feeling every time I hear the Westminster chimes on the quarter hours.

iPod wish

I wish I could program my iTunes and iPod to shuffle everything but albums. Is there a way to do this? I have the iPod shuffling everything, but I like listening to albums in the way they were intended…

Google Talk

Google now has a cool new IM service available: GoogleTalk. Kristen and I both like it. First, it is a very simple, eye-pleasing IM service. No annoying multi-colored text flashing around, no ads, no smilies-on-crack. One thing that Kristen and I really appreciate it is that it doesn’t keep printing your name over-and-over if you keep posting. Continue reading


I just discovered that some people use Podcast to download sermons. I have signed up for Jon Barlow’s podcast and John Owen Butler’s Psalmcast, but wouldn’t it be great in Doug Wilson, Rich Lusk, or others put there sermons on podcast? It would certainly save me the trouble of having to go to a website, check for a new sermons, and download that sermon.

It looks like Tenth Pres has already started doing it (only recently perhaps?), and I’ve downloaded a few.