Category Archives: culture

Funny Stuff

Did you see the Colbert Report Monday? There is some really funny stuff two minutes into the Democralypse Now segment. It’s nice to have a good laugh in the midst of a wearying campaign season.

Watch it here.


The glory of the 2008 TCL NCAA Tournament pool goes to Ellen. Congratulations!

Dear Starbucks

A Doppio Con Panna is an espresso with whipped cream, not a cup of whipped cream with a shot of espresso.


Happy Day

He was not a perfect man, but he fought for justice, and that’s worth remembering.

Her Hipness has Reached Painful

Kate has decided in the last few weeks that she loves Josh Ritter. If we play music in the car, it must be Josh Ritter, and she often sings along. If I try to nonchalantly play something else, this is what happens:

Kate – “Who sings this song?”
Kristen – “Wilco.”
Kate – “Wilco is not my favorite. Josh Ritter is my favorite. I need to hear Josh Ritter.”

Sorry, Jeff Tweedy.

Local Heads Up

If you are local, you should really consider going to see Behold the Lamb of God live next Tuesday night. I’ve seen this show live several times (the first time was seven or eight years ago) and it never disappoints. In the midst of shopping and planning and cooking and going to parties and… taking a few hours to remember Israel and the wait for a Messiah does a soul good. The songs are clever and moving. Before this was released on CD and there were just bootlegs floating around, I emailed AP and asked him if I could burn 16 copies of one song to teach to my third graders. A song that goes through the genealogy of Christ from Matthew. Of course, he graciously allowed me to do so. It was hands down their favorite thing that they memorized for chapel all year and they begged to be able to do it again for the end-of-year assembly. There’s always a great group of musicians performing and this year’s crew has been getting great reviews from shows so far. If you can’t make it, at least do yourself the favor of listening to the CD and buying yourself a copy.

The Cornucopia of Blog Posts

My link post a few back? Mostly stolen from Gaines.

Driving the other day, we heard this interesting story on literacy and reading for pleasure. Basically, reading for pleasure is declining at a startling rate, with corresponding drops in comprehension and literacy. The best indicator for children being lifelong readers was how many books are in their home. I think our kids are set! Seriously, though, I know some people who have become interested in those Teach Your Baby to Read programs, but I am glad we’re holding out. I want our girls to understand the power of reading to some degree before they learn to decode. Because reading is so much more than decoding, and I’d hate to reduce it to that.

My mom is from Northeastern Pennsylvania, a peculiar place, with a peculiar dialect, which is not highlighted nearly enough on The Office.

I’m nearly finished Christmas shopping, and I’m excited about the number of handmade gifts I was able to buy. Etsy rocks! Supporting real people using their real talents is exciting. I recommend luvlugs for baby stuff, some made with salvaged fabrics and sweetpea76 for cool prints.

The Young Hillary & Barack

Young Hillary & Barack

What were HRC and Obama like in law school? Check out this NYMag feature which takes an extended look at their education and how it has shaped them into who they are now.

Appendix, Revisited OR Bills, Bills, Bills

We got the bill about six weeks ago from my appendectomy. Two nights in the hospital (one mostly in the ER) and a two hour surgery.

Bills, Bills, Bills

Do you see the cost? $50,155.00 All the text you can’t see is the itemization, how much for meds and supplies, etc.

So, a few weeks ago, we got the amount that our insurance paid. Can you guess how much? Continue reading

WBW Interview

Rita Skeeter is doing a lot of freelance work these days, and she asked to interview me as part of a WBW piece she’s writing, perhaps for Witch Weekly, perhaps for some Muggle newspaper whose editor she confounded. I wasn’t sure. The interview follows below the cut. Continue reading

He Has Such a Way with Words

“There is no sense and no sanity in objecting to the desecration of the American flag when we tolerate, encourage, and as a daily business promote the desecration of the country for which it stands.” –Wendell Berry, “Waste”

Ikea Leads the Way

We stopped by Ikea in Atlanta when we drove home from Carolina earlier this month and I was pleasantly surprised to see that Ikea is now charging a nickel for plastic bags! Way to go, Ikea! They’ve also reduced the cost of their big blue bags to $.59 in an effort to get people to buy a reusable bag at the register instead of a plastic one. I was really excited. Well, a shopping trip to Ikea almost always makes me excited, but this was really great icing on the cake.