Category Archives: in the news


A study released recently documents some of the medical problems associated with having children “too close” together. I know that it takes the uterus two full years to recover from a pregnancy, so most of this didn’t suprise me too much. What’s interesting to me to consider is how close child spacing is so much more rare when certain things are practiced in combination: cosleeping, ecological breastfeeding, no pacifiers, etc. A lot of thoughts swirl around in my head regarding God’s intentions, man’s interventions, the development of so much beneficial medical technology that helps bridge the gap, etc.

I really hope this isn’t true…

…the latest Hathor comic is making me feel sick.

Interesting Choice, Skyler

When Mike and I saw this yesterday (cuddled up, reading the Drudge Report together) we got a good laugh out of it: Spring Break at Wal-Mart.

We can help!

The Bickles are living one of every parent’s worst nightmares. They took their son Thomas to his pediatrician for a six month well baby visit and found out he had a brain tumor the size of a raquetball. The tumor has been removed, but Thomas’ fight has just begun. They have so much to worry about, health wise, and they also have mounting medical bills, lost wages, etc.

I’m going to boldly ask you to do two things. Pray for the Bickles and donate $5. Why $5? It’s something accessible that everyone can give. If you can afford to give more, please do. This blog averages 250 visits a day. I’m guessing that means about a hundred people read. $5 x 100 readers = $500 – 1/20th of the total medical bills, enough for more than a month of groceries, half of a monthly mortgage payment. It will take you less than a minute to do through paypal. Let’s bless this family!


UPDATE: Between the article in the DMN and the Blog-a-thon, the Bickles raised over $5,000 in one day! Keep it coming! “Little children, let us not love in word or talk but in deed and in truth.” I John 3:18

Senseless Tragedy

A mother who “disciplined” her adopted 4 year old son to death in the area where I am from got her “advice” on childrearing from the Pearls. Yes, the vast majority of those who read the Pearls don’t kill their children, but the Pearls’ views of the family and discipline are incredibly warped. Where is the grace that is offered to us in scripture? Parents are the first impression of God that children will ever have — we are their view of omnipotent beings. I don’t want my children to believe in the God that the Pearls’ parenting advice portrays.

UNC News

I’m sure many of you have heard that an alumnus drove his car into the Pit on UNC’s campus in an attempt to harm people. It makes me ill just thinking about it. How can hurting college students “avenge the deaths of Muslims around the world?” The world is so broken.


I was so angry when I heard about Britney Spears driving at least two miles with her son on her lap, but felt better today to know that Child and Family Services is investigating. Do I think they should take her son away? No. Do I hope she gets scared enough to remember that she and her family are not invincible? Yes.

“Church Mixing”

The New York Times ran an article today on the trend of going to multiple churches, leaning on the research of one of my college professors. Some call it church mixing, we called it “sampling the buffet” in evangelical parachurch circles at UNC. Hat Tip: WorldMagBlog

White Collar Crime Starts Young

Fourth-graders accused of counterfeiting.

Keep Them Rear Facing!

I know a lot of people think I am nutty because Kate is still rear facing, but the international data shows its just safer. Looks like crash tests are supporting this idea with American seats as well.

Everyone Contemplates Stowing Away to Europe

One Wisconsin cat got away with it.

SAHM Goes on Strike

Does she really think this is going to be effective?