Some days I am just overwhelmed with how lucky I am to parent my kids. They are such neat individuals.
Lexi has a *slight* obsession with Kit Kittredge. She’s been running around saying “Brilliant!” I love listening to her prattle on about Strawberry Shortcake, imagine, tell stories, and even recite catechism questions. She has so much personality, and I can’t wait to see what she will do with it.
Kate is doing so well in school, and has wisdom beyond her years and a sneaky sense of humor. She’s a great big sister and has a natural inclination to help others. I love hearing her talk about what she’s learning and what she wants to learn next.
Kids are the greatest, huh?
Charlotte shares Lexi’s obsession with Kit… in fact, she now has a “matching hair cut” with Kit and indeed does bear a resemblance to her lol.
Love hearing stories of your girls!