Return of the Blog

I took an unexpected, but much needed break from blogging after being pretty consistent for the last year. I feel refreshed and ready to go again.

I finally posted about the books I read in June, and stuck the post where it belongs (June 30th) for the sake of consistency. I hope I read some more books in July so I have something to share at the end of the month.

The summer is rapidly approaching its end. The girls know their teachers for next year and there are school supplies to buy and things to do. I’ve resumed looking for a job. So I am trying to enjoy the season while it lasts. Most days, I do.

One response to “Return of the Blog

  1. Yay for returning to the blog, Kristen! Looking forward to your book posts, and whatever else you have for us.


    P.S. Had some guest posts go up, most recently at Kim Kirby’s place. Linked it through my name above, and hope you get a chance to take a look.

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