
I have been greatly convicted by Kate lately in the area of gratitude. That child is either obsessed with the phrase “thank you” or the most thankful person I have ever met. We aren’t big pushers of politeness, either, we just modeled saying thank you to her and she picked up on it on her own. Anyhow, she says thank you every time I do something for her — no matter how big or small, no matter how often I do it. I am thanked for changing diapers, for buckling her in her carseat, for giving her a hug and getting her a cup of water or a snack. It’s reminded me how much I take other people’s help for granted, especially my husband’s.

So Michael, thanks for doing kitchen cleanup and putting Kate to bed every night you are home. Thanks for giving her the vast majority of her baths and for giving me backrubs. Thanks for reminding me to eat and drink and bringing me ice cream as I lounge around. Thanks for taking Kate to run errands with you so I can have a few minutes to myself. Thank you for getting up early and going to work and tutoring and working on Saturdays. I really appreciate you.

3 responses to “Gratitude

  1. Right now Livia’s doing the same thing, saying “thank you!” at every turn. It’s about the cutest thing I’ve ever heard.

  2. Carol in Oregon

    Oh I wish I could hear her! (I can in my mind!) There is something so delightful and magnetic about genuine gratitude.

    Hooray for Mike and husbands who take care of wives! I caught my husband in the act last night — folding laundry at 1:20 a.m.!! He had just stoked the wood stove and was waiting for it to get hot before he shut it down.

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