Saving My Life: the Pool

A new occasional series on the everyday things that show me God’s presence and care.

This week’s honor goes to our neighborhood pool. The pool that is close and not prohibitively expensive is at the small, liberal arts college in our neighborhood. When I am on the Rhodes campus, I feel like I’m in a completely different world from midtown Memphis amidst all the green quads and gothic architecture.

The girls have always loved the water, so they feel at home. Kate learned how to do a flip off the diving board the week! Of course, with the current heat wave, the water is refreshing. Between the heat and spraining my ankle last week, I’ve appreciated the ability to tread water to get some cardio in. The pool is never all that full, so I’m not too self-conscious about it either.

Because it’s in the neighborhood, we often see friends, which makes it all the more fun. We are so glad we joined the pool. Next summer, we’ve got to do swim team. Thanks, Rhodes Pool, for saving our lives one hot afternoon at a time.

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