Milestones and Non-First Children

I was talking to a friend Monday who has three small children (all under 3 years old.) She asked me how Lexi was doing and what she was up to. I told her how sweet and friendly she is and how she blows raspberries all day long. Then I told her she was very strong and admitted that I rarely put her down for tummy time since her muscle tone is fine without it and certainly hadn’t done so in well over a week. I declared that I cared so little about milestones I haven’t tried, but I bet if I set her down on her tummy, she’d roll right over. I got off the phone, set Lexi on her tummy and she rolled from stomach to back in less than 90 seconds. So, Lexi, someday when you are reading this, know that you rolled over for the first time at 13.5 weeks, hindered by the lack of interest your mother had in that pursuit. With Kate, I had less to do and spent time on the floor with her, encouraging her. Lexi gets so much less of my undivided attention, but when she does, we have a great time just enjoying each other.


photo today, during Kate’s nap

13 responses to “Milestones and Non-First Children

  1. has she rolled over from back to tummy yet?

  2. Nope, but she really doesn’t spend much time on the floor! Today she hung out on her tummy for two minutes, rolled over on her back for two minutes and then she was done and headed to the pouch.

    ETA: I am not sure when she will — she’ll push up on her tummy and try to army crawl when I put her that way, but she’s barely 3 months old so… I think it might be a month or so before she wants to do those things.

  3. How fun!

    I love zerbert-blowing babies.

  4. Isn’t she precious?

    I love having my children closely spaced. But at the beach yesterday a friend and I were talking about night nursing and she was asking some questions and I *honestly couldn’t remember* any examples in our conversation for #3. The first two, I had stories to tell. And the baby I did. But my mind completely blanked out for baby #3. I’m sooooo embarrassed to admit that. At least we have pictures. Somewhere.

  5. Miz Booshay

    Little Lexi looks none the worse for wear.

    She is perfection!

  6. we were just talking about this yesterday. Alice HATES to be on her tummy, but Caleb loved it, so Alice isnt where he was with that stuff. I could hear the tinge of guilt in mama’s voice, but I dont want guilt to be the motivator…we just need to remember that she’ll do things at her own pace.

  7. What a darling! She looks wise – does that make sense? What a beautiful baby.

  8. What a beauty!

  9. Jennifer Blake

    Coleman hated being on his tummy, for the most part. I don’t think it made much difference because from a couple of weeks on he could bear his weight on his legs, hold his own head up and was a STRONG kid. He is now physically far more advanced than other kids his age, and despite being a pipsqueak, is really strong. (Just ask our pediatrician! It is like wrestling a bull to give him a shot.)

  10. I guess most babies roll from tummy to back first. Kyrie rolled from back to tummy first, then from tummy to back the next day. She was close to 4 months old though; sounds like Lexi is an early achiever. :)

  11. Kristen she is ADORABLE!

  12. What a beautiful baby… great lighting! (don’t mind me, my thing is photography)

  13. I was actually thinking the same things Janet said. Great photo!!

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