Church Government: Not a Democracy

We had a congregational meeting Sunday, following worship, and it got me thinking about the presbyterian form of church government. Honestly, I am not that married to it, I think it works well enough, but I’d say the say thing about an episcopal system, as long as churches have regional and national accountability, I’m pretty satisfied. Anyhow, congregational meetings at our church are rather interesting. They are hands-down the most participatory and interactive of any church I’ve attended. In some ways, that is very good. But there is this interesting dynamic, pretty unique to our church, that I can’t put my finger on. I think it may be one part congregationalism, another part national politics, and a healthy shake of skepticism but it seems to manifest itself in asking hard (sometimes borderline inappropriate for the context) questions of our leaders.

But in the end, votes still occur and business gets done. And now we can get about the business of being thankful we called a new senior pastor in record time. Many thanks to friends on the Pastoral Search Committee: your hard work did not go unnoticed by us. We’re grateful for you.

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