Maybe I Have a Dealer Personality

In college, it was books and music. I was always trying to sell someone on some great artist or novel they’d love. I thought I’d outgrown it, but I see it creeping back in.

Several people have told me recently that I got them hooked on babywearing and cute slings. GUILTY AS CHARGED.

Books are still pretty high on the list, but The Jesus Storybook Bible by Sally Lloyd-Jones is definitely the big one. I’ve blogged about it several times. I have the most helpful review on Amazon. I used the sample chapters online with my 50 coop students and got a few families hooked. Locally, if the topic comes up I am quick to suggest it. But as with my previous forays into pushing, I get good feedback and I’m encouraged to keep on keeping on.

10 responses to “Maybe I Have a Dealer Personality

  1. Kristen, I came across your blog and thought I’d just say, hi–and me, for one, i’m totally grateful for pushers like you! thank you for your review here, on amazon and for helping others hear about the book. these things all make such a big difference–and I know one thing, I couldn’t be doing what I”m doing if it weren’t for people like you.

    it’s so encouraging to how passionate you are about the book. It’s God’s Story–and I’m so honored to be part of re-telling it.

    : ]

  2. you sold me on “behold the lamb”.. it may be our favorite cd now :o)

    let me know if you see the storybook bible on sale again.. I want to get 2 for the kids for Easter

  3. My mom bought I think something like 9 copies of the book (based on your review) to give to various relatives and friends with little kids (as well as to me and my sisters) for Christmas.

  4. I’m busy pushing my hair stylist on people right now…

  5. Interesting….I’m just looking into slings right now. I could use a pusher like you. Do you have one in particular that you recommend?

  6. I’m hooked on the storybook bible too. I’m even more amazed that my just-turned-two-year-old is hooked on it too. I thought it would be a few years out. We read it every morning now.

  7. Love everything you’ve “pushed” my way!


  8. We’re not really into the whole “pictures of Jesus” thing, but we really love the Jesus storybook Bible … we’ve been reading a story or two a night for our family devotion time and the kids are really getting a good framework to put concepts into. I’m probably going to get one for my nephew for his birthday too :)

  9. Holly (and anyone else I can push a sling on :-) )… not Kristen here, but she and I both find the Maya Wrap Lightly Padded ring sling to be an excellent bet for a general purpose ring sling. The shoulder is the most universal shoulder we’ve found, meaning it works well for just about everyone, and it’s easy to get right and hard to get wrong. The undyed one (number 67) is super soft and nice, plus it goes with everything. They sell a color-grown taupe as well, which would also be super soft.

  10. Lest anyone feel as if I neglected Holly, I did answer her on the facebook and recommended the same sling, and also a two shouldered option like a Mei Tai or Soft Structured Carrier :P

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