I loved this article about Amish migration and population growth. I am a religious studies nerd, though. It’s interesting to think about the growth of religious movements like the Amish, LDS and even Islam as their views of children and contraception allow them to grow at a faster rate. As evangelicalism in general promotes couples waiting longer and having less children, conforming to national trends, we are loosing ground. Lest we forget, there is a middle ground between the societal status quo and being quiverfull.
Search This Classical Life:
in the middle of:
read in 2016:
Paterson, The Great Gilly Hopkins
Sloan, Ajax Penumbra 1969
Mandel, Station Eleven
Elliot, Shadow of the Almighty
Shakespeare, As You Like It
Bolz-Weber, Accidental Saintsarchives:
That was really interesting!
Our small Florida city has a sizable Amish population, which is often surprising to tourists who come for the beaches and art and sunshine. I’d like to look into whether we’ve had any demographic changes here.
“Lest we forget, there is a middle ground between the societal status quo and being quiverfull.” So well said. I completely agree!